Auto Fill Plus announced

A new wave in fluid management.

Jemtech have drawn on decades of experience and expertise and used this knowledge to create their latest innovation, the new Autofill Plus, with a footprint of only 300mm x 320mm and standing at only 700mm high, this state-of-the-art system holds 50 litres of concentrated cutting fluid, automatically topping up the sump with up to 5000 litres of precisely mixed coolant, maintaining critical stability, reducing consumption, and improving performance.

What’s the Plus for?

In addition to the standard Autofill, the Autofill Plus also automatically monitors concentration, pH, temperature, conductivity, and sump levels. All of this is controlled and monitored through Jemtech’s unique fluid analytics data hub, securely and easily accessed via any computer, laptop or tablet.

CNC fluid management

Why is this important?

The importance of maintaining and improving stability whilst increasing productivity has never been higher for UK manufacturing, rising material and running costs are putting incredible pressure on businesses to remain profitable.

The world’s leading OEM of advanced fluid management systems, Jemtech continuously invest in technology and processes to provide a full range of solutions to improve efficiency and stability of metal working business throughout the UK.

Is it possible to maintain quality and profit?

Jemtech have been helping UK businesses improve health & safety, process stability and productivity on the factory floor with better cutting fluids, mist extraction and automated products for over 25 years. Our company philosophy is to improve our customers profitability through focusing on higher standards in quality production, longer machine running time, increasing tool life, resulting in an improved working environment.

CNC fluid management system

Jemtech’s range of CNC products are unsurpassed in the UK and are already tried and trusted by some of the country’s leading engineering plants. For more information on Jemtech’s range of advanced fluid management systems, visit the Oracle fluid management page, or you can contact Jemtech now and a member of the team will be able to answer your question.