The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is cracking down on hazardous workplace exposures, starting this October. Employers must take systematic action to protect employees from dangerous dusts, fumes, mists, vapours, and gases. Inspections will be taking place to ensure current legislation is being met. Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) is critical to this legislation, and Jemtech has the equipment and technical knowledge to help you install and maintain the right ventilation for your workspace, ensuring full compliance.
Under current legislation, employers, suppliers, and service providers have legal duties for LEVs under regulations like the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH), and proper LEV maintenance is critical. Employers must ensure LEV systems are properly maintained, either through a fully trained employee or contractor. Suppliers must provide suitable, effective LEVs that continue working properly and they should be investigating if existing controls are adequately protecting workers.
The two key areas covered are:
This will ensure the proper:
Many employers are unaware their workers are being exposed or that their existing LEVs are inadequate. The HSE cites common problems like missed exposure sources, overly optimistic views of control effectiveness, deteriorated controls, and improper LEV use for the source of these exposures.
Thousands of workers develop occupational lung diseases annually from excessive inhalation of airborne contaminants. This has led to the decision to conduct inspections on workspaces that use this kind of ventilation, to ensure it is working as legally required. These inspections are scheduled to begin in October 2023.
The HSE will inspect workplaces starting in October, so now is the time to act. Jemtech offers free workplace surveys and reports to identify all exposure risks and LEV needs, multiple LEV solutions, qualified installation and maintenance, full electrical installation, isolated LEV power to minimise downtime, HSE and COSHH compliance, provided user guides and logbooks, fast delivery and installation, and flexible financing.
Don’t let HSE inspections catch you out. Contact Jemtech today to ensure your LEV systems meet all relevant legislations and keep your workers safe. We offer the products, services, and expertise to make compliance simple. Arrange your LEV Survey today.
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